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Archive for February, 2010

Pursuit of Perfection, Performance Excellence, Living Your Dreams

Pursuit of Perfection, Performance Excellence, Living Your Dreams

The ultimate display of beauty, the pursuit of perfection, perseverance, and dedication is here – the winter Olympics. Regardless of whether you believe they represent a tremendous waste of money, are won by the wealthiest countries who can afford to… read more
Death Rituals, Funeral Services, and Coping with Loss

Death Rituals, Funeral Services, and Coping with Loss

Last week I attended the funeral of the wife of a dear friend of mine…who had passed away after a very strenuous bout of cancer – something I am only too familiar with. It was such an amazing and beautiful… read more
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"This one gets four stars. I genuinely found the material educational and inspiring. The author’s suggestion to simply open the book at will and read proved to be quite inspired. Everyone should be able to find at least one section of the book that calls to him or her. This is definitely recommended for the spiritually inclined." - Beth’s Book Review Blog

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Tip of the Day — Monday, April 29

"No matter what pain and suffering we incur as children, our decision to live this moment in the potentiality of the future is the only one we have." - Chernoff - CONNECTION