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The Manual For Living

The Manual for Living is a user’s guide to the meaning of life; it is a guidebook to balance and connection, intimacy and relationship, peace and love, evolution and fulfillment. What we desire cannot be “obtained,” for it can only be experienced–the result of a life of commitment and service. Can we achieve lasting happiness? Can we find fulfillment or obtain true love? What exactly is a spiritual life, an inspirational life, a fulfilled life? What really is possible in life? Can we have it all?

The Manual will help you find clarity and assist you with connecting to your inner guidance…

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"I bought this book as I left a job without a plan, trusting that if you jump off the cliff you’ll land on your feet because the universe loves you. Manual For Living was released just as I was making my decision to jump and felt like a sign so I bought it. I was glad I did. This book accomplishes what it sets out to do. I highly recommend this one." - Brendan Roberts

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Tip of the Day — Saturday, May 18

"Our world is in harmony when we can operate from a state of gratitude for that which we have and for that to which we aspire." - Chernoff - CONNECTION