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9 Guaranteed Ways to SUCK in Life

9 Guaranteed Ways to SUCK in Life

The self-help industry is estimated to be over 10 BILLION dollars. There are a million self-help books in this world to instruct you on how to be a better person, but for those who choose a different path, I realize… read more
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"I bought this book as I left a job without a plan, trusting that if you jump off the cliff you’ll land on your feet because the universe loves you. Manual For Living was released just as I was making my decision to jump and felt like a sign so I bought it. I was glad I did. This book accomplishes what it sets out to do. I highly recommend this one." - Brendan Roberts

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Tip of the Day — Friday, May 3

"Spirituality freedom is making the choices in life that bring us true happiness and fulfillment." - Chernoff - REALITY