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Posts Tagged with Emotional Cancer

Cancer of the Soul, Awareness, Healing, Meaning, Emotional Spiritual – L12

Cancer of the Soul, Awareness, Healing, Meaning, Emotional Spiritual – L12

What is Cancer of the Soul? Beyond Physical Cancer Awareness and Healing, its Emotional and Spiritual Cancer that can only be cured from within, by the choices we make in any given moment. Our ability to choose life… read more
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"The Manual for Living by Seth David Chernoff is a book special to me. I want to make its words a part of my life. It is spiritually remaking my life along with my Holy Bible. If you have the chance to pick up this gold mine to read, please do. It is saving me from wasting more time in my life. It is saving me from the fear of death. It is helping me in so many ways." - Read With Tea Book Review Blog

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Tip of the Day — Tuesday, April 30

"Our world is in harmony when we can operate from a state of gratitude for that which we have and for that to which we aspire." - Chernoff - CONNECTION