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Posts Tagged with Holiday Ordering

The Gift of Change, Faith and Action

The Gift of Change, Faith and Action

This is the time of year that we are inundated with holiday parties and the search for thoughtful and meaningful gifts for those we love. This year, do something different – give a gift that will change someone’s life forever.… read more
Happy Thanksgiving and Our Attitude of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving and Our Attitude of Gratitude

What is it about feeling and expressing gratitude that can change our entire demeanor? No matter how bad we may feel in any given moment…by finding and authentically sharing our gratitude, we instantly feel a shift from inside of ourselves.… read more
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"This book could not have been more appropriate and needed. This gift you sent out to the world will forever be greeted with grateful and loving arms. Thank you for everything but most of all the keys." - Claudia R

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Tip of the Day — Sunday, April 28

"Happiness, fulfillment, and connection are the true prosperity of the soul." - Chernoff - REALITY