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Posts Tagged with Jesus Christ

Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Teachers, Jesus Christ, Profiteering and Capitalism

Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Teachers, Jesus Christ, Profiteering and Capitalism

Why is it a conflict of interest when someone among us, a religious leader or self-proclaimed “spiritual teacher”, becomes “enlightened” and then charges exorbitant sums of money for their services, often at the expense of the very people they seek… read more
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"WOW! Seth is really a good speaker – he has a gift of connecting with the audience. I love how he shares so much of himself. It almost makes him seem like one of the audience. You know, when I read his first book, I kept asking myself (he)... could be the vessel for so much simple wisdom. The “veil is really lifting” – Seth is a glowing example of this. Bless him for sharing so much light. ...he is a beautiful spirit – a good person. I hope his journey brings him back." - L Shirk, Des Moines, IA

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Tip of the Day — Monday, April 29

"Our ability to grow and expand, to be present for transformation, is one of the most amazing gifts of this life. We may feel frustrated when working externally toward the goals we seek does not seem to bring them any closer." - Chernoff - CONNECTION